Baden-Powell and St.Peter's Junior School

T he Community of Baden-Powell and St. Peter’s Junior School “You have established a school ethos of enjoyment and inspiration. Pupils come willingly to school, attend regularly and engage with their learning.” OFSTED 2019 We are extremely proud of our thriving school community. Strong, caring relationships permeate throughout the school and our inclusive nature encourages all children to flourish. Relationships throughout the school are outstanding and we are committed to developing children who are happy, safe and secure. Our staff are passionate and dedicated to providing the best opportunities for all our children, consequently there is a positive, supportive and stimulating learning ethos in all classes. Behaviour around the school and within lessons is excellent; there is a sense of mutual respect between adults and children which ensures that high standards of behaviour are expected and maintained. A vast range of opportunities both inside and out of the classroom help develop the children into well-rounded individuals. WINNER 2014 The school day Term dates and holidays Communication Homework The curriculum A fully inclusive school Raising the standard Behaviour and discipline Good to know Pupil Premium Uniform 4 5 6 8 10 14 16 18 20 21 26 C ontents “Parents speak highly of the respect which staff displayed towards pupils and this respect is mirrored in the pupils’ own relationships.” SIAMS 2019