Wimborne First School Prospectus

Parent s and School Partnership Contact between the school and parents is important and we encourage it. Staff will always be happy to speak with parents and carers to share any concerns. As teachers are often busy at the start of the day, it is usually more appropriate to speak to them after school where possible or they will be happy to make an appointment if a longer discussion is necessary. Please contact the school office to arrange. Please let us know if there are any changes in home circumstances that may impact on your child’s well being and behaviour. The headteacher is also pleased to speak with parents about any issues in school. Communication We keep parents up-to-date with school life through our newsletter. We also communicate by email, forms and letters through ParentMail. The school website has a wealth of information including newsletters, class pages and copies of key policies. We are constantly improving communication channels with parents as we believe that children thrive when we work closely on shared goals and ambitions. Money in School Our preferred method of payment is online through ParentMail. Parents can download the app and pay for school meals, Kingfishers Club and music lessons. Parents receive registration details as soon as their child joins school. 30